Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I saw this post on my friends blog and I thought it was such a cute idea, so I asked Kylie these questions:
1. What is your favorite color? dark pink
2. What is your bunny's name? dragontails
3. What is your full name? eei
4. What is your favorite thing to do? go shopping
5. What sport do you want to play? soccer
6. What is your favorite question for mom? Can I drive? (I tell her she has to be sixteen and she says is that when I get done at Miss Tammy's)
7. What is your favorite game? the pig game
8. What makes you sad? hitting
9. What makes you happy? not hitting
10. Where is your favorite place to go? shopping
11. What is your favorite food? meat
12. Who is your best friend? Aspen
13. What is your doll's name? Treygan
14. What is your favorite animal? zebra
15. What is your favorite movie? mama mia

Align Center


Tyson and Tahnee said...

You have taught her well. (GO SHOPPING)

Nick and Terryn said...

I love that her favorite movie is Mama Mia! Too cute!

Micah and Tanya Smith said...

look at you go Melissa . . .